The Flint Hills of Kansas
Kansas is, as we all know, mostly flat plains. To the east are famous locales such as Topeka and Kansas City (the Kansas side of town). To the west lie infamous wild-west locales such as Dodge City. In the middle, though, is the quiet, rolling terrain of the Flint Hills. It is a land where the ubiquitous American corn and beans, prevalent elsewhere in this middle of the midwest states, yield to grasslands and cattle.
Photographs by Jeff Sonnabend

Experience the Flint Hills, North of Sedan, KS

Cattle and Flowers, North of Strong City, KS

Abandoned Trailer Home, North of Howard, KS

House at Third and Main, Dwight, KS

Billy and Jadan, Council Grove, KS

Megan the Mechanic, Alma, KS

Inside the Shop at Clark's Hardware, Strong City, KS

Larry, inside his Feed Store, Eureka, KS

At the Livestock Auction, Herrington, KS

Abandoned Farmhouse, AA Ave, North of Strong City, KS

Oil Tanks on Kansas Highway 99, North of Sedan, KS

Bailed Hay, South of Council Grove, KS

Gas Pumps, Alma, KS

Hamburger Steak and Loaded Mash Potatoes, Barnyard Cafe, Alta Vista, KS

Bob, 30 Years Retired, Council Grove, KS

Marylu, 90 Years Old, Cottonwood Falls, KS

Jim 'The Indian', outside Clark's Hardware, Strong City, KS

Terry on his Log Cutter, Council Grove, KS

Pumpjack on Kansas Highway 99, North of Sedan, KS

Corn Field and Telephone Poles along Kansas Highway 57, Outside Granview, KS

Locust St, Grandview Plaza, KS

Destiny and Elia, inside J's Carryout, Emporia, KS

Ice Cream at Batson's Drug Store, Howard, KS

Juinior High School Football Practice, Eureka, KS

David, in his Studio, Cottonwood Falls, KS

Xavier, Outside his House, Sedan, KS

Jennifer, in the Office of the Whitetail Inn, Sedan, KS